
Emery County Sheriff Tyson Huntington stopped by the KOAL newsroom to provide an update on the state of law enforcement in Emery County. He covered topics like the recent Thanksgiving Day heroics of the Emery County Search and Rescue team, Shop with a Cop as well as providing some holiday travel safety tips.

Sheriff Huntington opened our conversation by discussing the Thanksgiving Day rescue performed by the SAR team,” we had a rescue down on our desert down near Goblin Valley at Little Wild Horse Canyon. A young lady hiking in there fell and broke her leg and we had to send guys in to get her out. So some of our posse guys spent Thanksgiving on the desert, freezing cold, instead of home, passed out on the lazy boy.”

One important fact about the SAR team is that they are unpaid volunteers,” They’re all pretty driven guys just in their lives. For instance, when that call came in on Thanksgiving, I was thinking, ‘Oh man, it’s Thanksgiving, this is going to be a tough one.’ But a handful of guys got on the text thread, said they were available and headed out. None of them ever complained about it. They were happy to get out there.” The Sheriff continued,” They feel that they can kind of give back to the community by helping and finding ways to serve others like this. They hardly want any accolades. I try to blow it up a little bit and they get mad, but hey, what can you do?”

Continuing on the topic of service in the community, Huntington spoke on the ECSO’s upcoming ‘Shop with a Cop’ event,” we have Shop with a Cop coming up on the 16th of this month and we have gotten donations from so many people. They range from the United Mine Workers, the Elks Club, Huntington City and the Wee Bit Wicked Witches over in Huntington just to name a few.”

Sheriff Huntington also provided some holiday safety tips,”. First and foremost, always be safe, wear your seat belt and watch your speed. It’s just not worth it to go too fast and get there two or three minutes faster. Watch your speed, plan accordingly, watch the weather, and then just know that people are out. They’re out shopping and they’re in parking lots. The sun goes down a lot earlier these days, so keep an eye out for them and just do your best to be cognizant of safety.” He added,” We find ourselves traveling during the holidays to shop or see family and we always look out and get a storm the day before that time. So yeah, plan a few things to keep in your car, blankets, and maybe something to snack on or something in case you get stuck behind traffic or you’re having an issue. Just be safe and think ahead. Let people know when you’re leaving and when you plan to arrive. So if you don’t make it, we can come find you.”

In closing, the Sheriff shared a holiday message from the ECSO,” Do your best to think of the reason for the season here and remember your friends and neighbors. Try to find ways to serve others and be kind … Do some things that you wouldn’t normally do to be kind and just have a safe holiday season.”

To stay up to date with the ECSO, you can find them on Facebook or on the Emery County website.

