Whether citizens of Carbon County head out on the road or stay in town to celebrate the Fourth of July weekend Sheriff Jeff Wood wants to make sure that citizens celebrate in a safe and responsible manner.

“I would just encourage everyone if you’re going to do your own fireworks show to have water handy, buckets of water, garden hose right there because it can really get out of control really fast. Watch your aerial fireworks. There are no restrictions, right now, but just be careful,” stated Wood. Adults are strongly urged to supervise their children at all times while enjoying fireworks.

The Pleasant Valley Days celebration will be taking place this weekend in Scofield which brings in a lot of visitors from not only Carbon but from all over the state. “We’ll have deputies up there as we do every year, there will be deputies posted there to work the festival, there will be others on patrol. I would just encourage everyone to be careful, seems like we have a lot of incidents’ up there during that time of year with four-wheelers racing around or whatever it may be, just be considerate there is going to be a lot of people in Scofield,” said Wood. The fact is, this iconic American holiday is also one of the deadliest holidays of the year due to drunk-driving crashes so be sure that a designated driver is available during the holiday.

Wood finished by recognizing a group of his officers, “I want to give a shout out to our detectives at the Sheriff’s office they’ve been working hard lately. They’re working on cold cases but also keeping up on their regular caseloads and I think we are making progress on some of these cold cases.” Currently detectives believe they are close to closing the case of Loretta M. Jones, who was murdered back in 1970. Her story has made both state and national headlines after her family agreed to the exhumation of her body.

To learn more about what the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office is doing visit their Facebook page.

