Crosswalk enforcement to help keep children safe and educate drivers on new crosswalk law

WHAT: As school starts the last week of August and into September, the Price City Police Department will increase law enforcement operations around high-risk pedestrian crosswalks near schools. These operations may include plain-clothes officers crossing as decoys with patrol vehicles on standby to stop any violators. The enforcement will aim to increase children’s safety by educating drivers on crosswalk laws, speed limits, and distracted driving – all of which contribute to both the frequency and severity of pedestrian crashes.

The revised law, UCA 41-6a-1002(2), mandates that vehicles come to a complete stop for anyone in a school crosswalk, regardless of which half of the road they are on. In other words, once a pedestrian steps into a school crosswalk, drivers must stop for the pedestrian until he or she is completely out of the crosswalk.

WHEN:  End of August and into September 2018

WHERE: All public, private, and university-related crosswalks within Price City Police Department’s jurisdiction.


●     Vehicles being cited

●     Undercover enforcement

●     Pedestrians in crosswalk

WHY: With kids back in school there will be more foot traffic during peak drive times, especially during school beginning and ending times. Law enforcement agencies hope to remind drivers and pedestrians to keep an eye out for each other. Pedestrian crashes are 100 percent preventable if everyone works together to avoid tragedy. Law enforcement also hopes the new school crosswalk law will further protect pedestrians near schools.

Year to date in 2018, there have been 19 pedestrian fatalities in Utah. From 2015 to 2017:

●     27% (642) of all pedestrian crashes involved children ages 4-17

●     21 resulted in fatalities and 78 were severely injured

●     60% (381) occurred while the child was in a crosswalk

