The USU Extension Emery County office is looking forward to hosting an online virtual gathering called Totally Tubular Tuesdays and Castle Country Radio was able to speak over the telephone with 4-H Coordinator, Amanda Leonard about the event.

“So next Tuesday on May 12 we’re going to start doing, what we’re calling Totally Tubular Tuesdays, so it will be every Tuesday at 11:00 am. Its just like you said, online virtual gathering for all youth 8 to 17 years of age can get on and we’re going to play different games, different challenges, and activities and give away weekly door prizes,” said Leonard. The first week’s prize will be a $25.00 gift certificate to BKs Stop & Shop in Huntington. This weekly event is a perfect way for children to interact with their friends and neighbors in a safe COVID19 manner.

Another great idea that the USU Extension Emery County office is doing is behind the scene videos of various businesses in the area. “Emery County and Emery County Businesses are awesome and our schools and we thought it would be fun to start in June on Wednesdays we will post behind the scene videos of some of these businesses and activities. Even local people that do interesting things just so somebody, the locals have something to go watch that is different and informative, educational and hopefully fun,” said Leonard. Further details of this event will come at a later time and will be shared on the USU Extension Emery County Facebook page.

The Emery County Fair has been canceled due to the COVID19 pandemic and in years past the Bright Ideas Junior Entrepreneur Program would allow their participants to have their own vendor booth during the fair to sell their merchandise. This year Bright Ideas will conduct their summer program a bit differently as Leonard explains, “We are still planning on having the Boot Camp and starting the program next month also in June, some of it will be virtual, some of it we are hoping to meet in person, and then we will be creating some type of event this fall as it is approved and safe for larger gatherings to get together that they can sell their products at.” A lot of brilliant and unique ideas come from this program as participants look forward to sharing and selling their items to community members each year.

To keep informed on USU Extension Emery County programs and activities visit their Facebook page or call the office at (435) 381-2381.
