The USU-Eastern GEAR UP (acronym for Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs). It is a seven-year federal grant program that provides services and assistance for low-income students in order to help them successfully graduate from high school and prepare for college.

Brandon Flores, Director spoke about the upcoming field trip planned, “So with this upcoming trip to USU-Logan we’re really excited to take another bus load of students. Our GEAR UP trips are first come, first serve and you have to be in GEAR UP in order to attend. If you want to be in GEAR UP just sign up. You can go to our website or talk to any of our advisors and we’ll get you an application.” Students interested in attending this trip must have their permission slips turned in no later than Tuesday, April 11. Its beneficial for students to take advantage of the field trips to visit Universities so that they can see the various programs that are offered at that school.

There is a Summer ACT Boot Camp that will be free and on a first come, first serve basis beginning June 5 through the 10. Students will be given the opportunity on the final day of the Boot Camp to take the ACT test. “Boot Camp is to help lead up to that test. So they can take while its all fresh on their mind. They have a whole week to soak in all this information, to take practice tests, to get one on one through workshops and classes that are actually taught by high school teachers and professors as well,” stated Flores.

To learn more about GEAR UP visit their website at

