The Seventh District Adult Drug Court is a judicially-supervised substance abuse treatment program for nonviolent offenders. Through frequent court appearances, intensive therapy and learning life skills, the defendant receives an opportunity for a drug-free life. Part of the program requires participants to come up with a service project that will benefit the community and all projects must be presented to the court for approval.

The process for participants is to give a presentation to the courts in a professional manner of their service project proposal. It must outline the details of how it will give back to the community, the effect the participant expects from the project, their part in the project, as well as a definite plan to make it a success. Once the service project is completed participants will then report back to the court with a final presentation outlining the outcome of the project.

A participant that is currently in the program, Nikki Sanchez, made a proposal to the court with an idea of a service project to assist the four legged, furry creatures at the Carbon County Animal Shelter and was given the OK to proceed. She is currently in the process of gathering donations to assist the shelter with daily care and cleaning of kennels, while animals are waiting for their forever homes.

Donations that are in need are:

Bleach – for cleaning ad sanitizing kennel and other surfaces

Pine-Sol or Mr. Clean – for cleaning of the floors

Window cleaner

Paper towels

Large garbage bags – 55 gallon

Facial tissue – such a Kleenx

Cat & dog collars, leashes and toys – to go home with the animals when adopted

Sanchez stated that any community members that would like to make donations can take their items to the drop-off box located at Four Corners Behavioral Health located at 575 East 100 South. If individuals are unable to drop-off their items, they may call (435) 609-6155 to make arrangements to have their donations picked up. Deadline to make a contribution to the service project is Friday, June 9.

Any and all donations are greatly appreciated.
