Active Re-Entry is a community based non-profit organization that offers several services for youth to adult. The programs are an opportunity for individuals with disabilities to learn or maintain self-sufficient, productive lives in the community, as well as at home. The organization is committed to promoting the rights, dignity and quality of life for people with disabilities.

One of the remarkable programs Active Re-Entry offers is the Youth Program for ages 10 to 24 years old. There are many organized activities and outings offered throughout the year, especially during the summer like frisbee, golf, fishing and hiking. Chris Haycock, Community Integration and Youth Coordinator talked about some of the other activities, “Cooking classes are a big one they really love to come out and cook. We do budgeting, anything that they feel they need to learn before they can go out and do on their own.” Most of the activities are a great way to build participants self-confidence, plus teach them independent living skills and increase their communication and socialization skills.

Once an individual reaches the age of 25 years old they will continue on in the Community Integration Program. “I’ve found that a lot of our older adults that are coming into the program kind of got lost in the gaps before the ADA (American with Disability Accessibility) and everything,” said Haycock. The program shows adults independent living skills, such as budgeting, cooking or other skills they would like to learn to help be self-sufficient in the workplace, with family and friends and within the community.

Haycock finished by saying, “If you want to know more about the programs you can find us on Facebook and it’s under “Active Re-Entry Price” and our phone number is 637-4950.” There is currently five other Centers for Independent Living in Utah, each one offers unique programs and services to meet their own community’s needs.

