The Price City Library is a valuable and unique resource where residents can find books and other forms of media. One of the great things that the library offers is various reading programs for children. Currently, there is a program that is underway that will be offered for four more weeks through the USU Extension Office entitled Food, Fun & Reading.

“We have a lady that comes in and she reads with the children, reads a healthy story about healthy eating and she also does an activity and prepares a snack for them and it’s always healthy,” said Library Coordinator, Tawnya Kulow. This program is open for preschoolers through second grade and their parents. The free lessons are presented twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11:00 am and last approximately one hour. This event is to introduce children to healthy eating habits. For further information on the Food, Fun & Reading program email

There are so many great services that the library offers its patrons. “We have a wonderful selection for DVDs in the area up on the top floor is just about half the movies, we have DVDs downstairs for the children and we also have some junior movies also and books on CDs, we’ve been told numerous times that we have a wonderful selection on that,” explained Kulow. Other services available are a fax machine, interlibrary loans, free wi-fi, laptops for in house use only, newspapers, digital downloads, research assistance, and photo, computer, and other copying services for a small fee.

The library is located at 159 East Main Street in Price. “Our library hours are Monday through Thursday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm, on Friday we are open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, every Saturday we are open from 9:00 am to 12:15 pm,” stated Kulow. The requirements for a library card are quite simple, all individuals need to do is provide a photo ID and proof of address. Library cards are free for Price City residents. Unincorporated residents are allowed one card per family.

To keep informed on the latest news and activities taking place at the Price City Library just visit their Facebook page or call them at (435) 636-3188.
