This week’s Carbon School District update shines the spotlight on Creekview Elementary and like every other school within the district, they are focusing on improving reading levels throughout the school. Castle Country Radio was able to spend some time with new Principal Keith Palmer to talk about what the students and faculty are up to so far this year.

“The beginning of the year has been busy getting going, we’ve made a few just minor adjustments. We’ve brought in a new behavioral system to try and do a better job of encouraging students with the right behaviors. So, we have really made a big push to reward them every time they meet expectations and make sure they are doing the right thing,” said Principal Palmer. School officials host various opportunity drawings to reward the students which seems to keep them motivated and aware of their behavior.

This is the second year that the school district has made reading a priority in all of the schools. Educators have already noticed a huge difference in reading levels as Principal Palmer explains, “The number of students that are coming in to a grade level already reading at the level they are suppose to is increasing and is allowing us to focus, have more focus on those students that are not yet on grade level but there are less and less of them all the time. As one example, last year leaving fifth grade we only had 18 students who had maxed out on the reading scale that we use, to begin this year we have 38 before we’ve even started.” This shows how the emphasis on reading has really made a difference in student’s reading levels throughout the schools.

This is Principal Palmer’s first year at Creekview and he explains why he’s thrilled to be at the school, “I’m excited to be at Creekview. Something that attracted me to Creekview of all the schools that were open was their STEM focus, as a math teacher that was interesting to me to want to go in and see what they were doing.” Palmer was born and raised in Price and taught math for 11 years at Mont Harmon Middle School.

If students or parents would like to stay informed about the happenings taking place at the Creekview Elementary are urged to visit their Facebook page.

