Price City each month sends a representative to Castle Country Radio to keep listeners posted or informed on various topics. This month’s interview was done over the telephone with Price City Public Works Director, Miles Nelson who spoke on upcoming road projects.

“We got some good projects planned. We’ve actually got one underway right now at 1900 East, which is the road between 8th North and Airport Road which loops behind the east side of the cemetery, Cliffview Cemetery there. Its our third phase of that project where we’re putting that loop with special funding from the federal and state road project funds,” explained Nelson. The project is near the asphalt phase but installation will have to wait until the weather warms up a bit, most likely sometime in May.

The city received some funding from the CIB (Community Impact Board) that is to help cover the cost of a utility project within the city near the college around 300 North. “We’ve had challenges with that water system, waterlines right next to the college for years and people that drive up that way understand what the problem is. It’s like a roller coaster nowadays we’ve had so many repairs along that road that we’ve had to patch up many of times and so with water repairs comes, road repairs,” said Nelson. This is going to be one of the city’s biggest projects of the summer.

Price City announced last month that they would not conduct their annual city clean-up this year. “We are taking this year and redirecting some of our resources away from city cleanup to working on the road repairs and other projects to beautify the community. We want to remind the citizens of Price that we won’t be coming around and picking up yard debris and other debris this year and that will be their responsibility to take care of that on their own,” stated Nelson. Citizens can utilize the Carbon County Landfill on Airport Road.

To keep informed on Price City visit their website at
