This week’s Carbon School District update shines a spotlight on Creekview Elementary and Principal Keith Palmer took time to speak with listeners about what the last week of school will involve.

“Monday and Tuesday, we’re having kids schedule through the same way we’ve done parent/teacher conference. Parents or students picking their own time to come in, we’re scheduling them every 15 minutes so we keep everyone safe. But they’ll just come to their teacher’s outside door, the teacher will have all their belongings prepared for them,” said Principal Keller. This will be an opportunity for students to return any items that they may have that belongs to the school.

Not only is it important to have students return to school to check-out properly but it gives them one last chance to say good-bye to their teachers. “The most important thing for us in this is the face-to-face goodbye that these students desperately need some closure after all of this to at least to see their teacher in person again so that’s the thing we’re most excited about is that we could figure out how to do that in a safe way,” explained Principal Palmer. This will not only bring closure for the students but its also beneficial for the teachers and administration to see the students one last time before the summer break.

The school is putting together an end of the school year video for students. “So we kind of tried to make it almost like a video yearbook. Any student who wanted to be apart of it could send in a picture of all of them holding signs that say goodbye or thank you to their teacher, different messages. We ended up with, I would say close to 70 percent of our students participated, we have like 320 pictures that have been sent in. Then we allowed each teacher to give a good-bye message, put that together and get that sent out,” stated Principal Palmer. The video will give students a memento to remember the 2019-2020 school year.

The school’s administration has made good use of its downtime by doing some renovations to the school.  “Come by it definitely looks like we’re in the middle of projects, I think the district was wise in using this time. We are removing the sand on our playground and replacing it with wood chips, which is safer for kids and we’re getting carpet in our library which is a big undertaking,” said Principal Palmer. The school is also having some teachers move their classrooms around to better accommodate the school.
