
Carbon County will be hosting a Surplus Sale on Thursday, July 9 and Friday, July 10 at the old Carbon County Senior Center on Carbon Avenue. Castle Country Radio was able to sit down with Commissioner Casey Hopes to talk about the sale, as well as what will happen with the building.

The building was posted for sale and an individual who specializes in antiques has bought the building to bring his business to the area. “So, we had this opportunity to sell it, we put it out for bid and we had a bidder bid on it.  It’s Euro Antique Treasures out of Salt Lake and he basically has an antique store – he bought a lot of antiques out of Europe. He’s bringing his whole collection to Carbon County he’s going to put it in the old Senior Citizens Center and it’s going to be a great opportunity for our community,” said Commissioner Hopes. The store’s owners have a huge following of enthusiasts who love the inventory featured in their store.

It is now time for the county to go through old items such as furniture, office equipment and other odds and ends that have been stored at the old Carbon County Senior Center.  “We also have things like pool tables, washers and dryers, some of those things we’re going to set out on the curbside and say its free. We just need to get rid of it and get it out so

he has room to come in. Then some of it, look on our public surplus website, and look for the pool tables and the things that actually have a little bit of value. We’re not trying to get rich off those but we certainly want to get what they’re worth and move them to somebody who can make them a good home,” explained Commissioner Hopes. It is important that individuals interested in the free surplus items only take what is clearly marked on the curbside.

The county has only a short amount of time to get things cleared out and arrangements have also been made for the Boys & Girls Club to have plenty of time to get moved out as well. “It’s going to happen quick. Hopefully, everything that he has promised or made mention of doing with renovating the building and possibly having some other things that highlight his building – if those happen, this will be a great thing for our community and it will really put a good spotlight on our community,” stated Commissioner Hopes.
