
Price City has been busy in recent months with the new Pump Park, installation of E-Charging Stations and planning a new look for Main Street. Price City Council Member, Amy Knott-Jespersen took time from her busy schedule to come into Castle Country Radio to talk about these items.

Construction is completed at the Pump Park so it’s now open and it’s located near the Dino Mine Park. “So, its finished. We’ve been riding it. Tons of kids have been riding it and what it is its like little mesas, little tabletops, and jumps, and little whoop-di-dos, I don’t know what they’re called; but its just a really fun pump track and these are kind of popular all over the state now,” said Knott-Jespersen. This facility would be great for anyone of all ages who want to strengthen their biking skills.

The city has installed new electric vehicle stations for individuals to use as Knott-Jespersen share the details, “Electric vehicles you know are becoming for popular, they are super popular here but a lot of people travel through our area and one of the ways we want them to stop, one of the ways we want to get them to stop is to have a place for them to charge their e-vehicles and so right next to the museum you might see them they are white and green and people will plug in their e-cars and charge for half-hour or an hour, whatever it takes.”  The location of the stations is perfect as it’s not only located next to the museum but its also near the downtown business area.

The city has been chosen by the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) to be a part of a pilot program along with Brigham City. “Our main street kind of has some challenges, we’ve got some older buildings, we’ve got some facades that maybe need to be improved. We want to bring more culture down there, more people down there, make it more walkable, bring more charm to our downtown, so just trying to fix it up. So we’re working with architects, and people from UDOT, and state officials, and everybody that GOED group has brought together,” explained Knott-Jespersen. Meetings with these entities are helping to establish a plan of what the city would like to see happen as they utilize the Roger Brooks plan from a few years ago.

To keep informed on Price City visit their website at http://www.pricecityutah.com/
