
The Reach-up Support Group is hosting a Pancake Dinner on Tuesday, September 8 at 5:30 pm at the Castle Dale City Park. This gathering is in conjunction with World Suicide Prevention Day which is recognized on September 10. Castle Country Radio took time to speak with members of the Reach-up Support Group about the dinner.

“So we are going to have a dinner, but it’s going to be a breakfast dinner, and then afterwards we’re going to have one of the girls in our group, that she is phenomenal, she is going to speak, her name is Tara Gage. She has an emotional story, which is amazing, and everybody just needs to hear her story. Then we’re going to do a balloon launch to represent those that we’ve lost, and those still fighting the fight,” said Group Member, Ann Larsen. This event is open to everyone and is free.

The group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm at the Castle Dale Senior Center. “When I found Ann and the Reach-up Group, I didn’t have to explain, you know, and that was powerful to me because everybody there has experience, they’ve either lost somebody, they’ve attempted and lot of us suffer from mental health issues, depression, bi-polar and so its nice to go there an not be judged,” said Group Member, Savannah Eley. The group is a great place to be given the opportunity to be with people who are likely to have a common purpose to understand one another.

For more information about the Reach-up Support Group please visit their Facebook page.
