
Students at Wellington Elementary are busily settling in for the new school year and the school is being featured on this week’s Carbon School District weekly update. Castle Country Radio was able to sit down with Principal Paulie Vogrinec to talk about the school’s reading program and other fun activities taking place at the school.

“Our push is just to follow the district’s push is to get kids reading. Reading on grade level, reading a lot of different types of books, the more you immerse kids in text the better readers they become, better comprehenders they become, finding what the kids like,” said Principal Vogrinec. The school’s librarian works very hard to carry various types of books that will appeal to students in each grade.

Most schools are unable to host school assemblies because of COVID-19 precautions. However, Wellington held an assembly via ZOOM to award outstanding students. “We’ve had virtual assemblies. We had our Warrior Awards last Friday and we did Google Meet throughout every classroom had a webcam and the kids got to see themselves on camera and I was in my office and was able to give out the awards that way, so it was kind of fun,” said Principal Vogrinec. The students seemed to enjoy the new concept of assemblies and were able to see all the students get their awards.

The school’s art teacher has been doing lots of fun activities outdoors with the students. “We have a new art teacher this year and so she’s done a lot of activities with the kids; they’re outside, they’ve done chalk art, they’ve done pixel art, they’re tying ribbons and making pictures on the fence, so it’s been nice,” said Principal Vogrinec. The students really enjoy the opportunity to be outdoors and have learned a lot too.

At the end of the month, the school will have several events and activities scheduled to acknowledge Red Ribbon Week. “Our PTA and our staff will just plan activities and it’s Bully Prevention Month and so we’re really working a lot on bullying, how to prevent bullying, what we can do to be a friend. Our school counselor is amazing and she goes in and teaches lessons and so that’s our focus this month,” said Principal Vogrinec. More information and details on Red Ribbon Week will be sent home with students or can be found on the school’s Facebook page.
