
The USU Eastern Geary Theatre is gearing up for some great events during their Spring Semester and Event Services Coordinator, Braden Nelson stopped by Castle Country Radio to share all the details with listeners.

“You’ve seen it on TV but we’re bringing it to campus and we’re opening it to the entire community. Anybody who wants to come can come battle it out and lip sync. So to compete it’s absolutely free. You just go to our website and register to compete there,” said Nelson. There are a few requirements to remember when competing in the Lip Sync Competition, no explicit themes or lyrics, no songs longer than four minutes. Prizes will be awarded to first, second and third place.

In February there will be two events scheduled. The first one is a Short and Sweet Film Festival on February 8 at 5:00 pm. This exhibit will feature some of the greatest short films from this year from filmmakers around the state. The cost to attend this unique event is free.

There recently was a exhibit in Salt Lake City that featured the workings of Vince Van Gogh and USU Eastern is able to get a smaller version of that show here on February 28. “So that is going to be our Van Gough Experience, it’s like you said fully immersive, we are going to have projections like an exhibit all around the Geary Event Center. That will start at 6:30 pm with some light refreshments. The big event will be showing a movie called Loving Vincent which is a fully handpainted, beautiful, movie to be shown,” said Assistant Event Services Coordinator, Heather Haywood. Tickets are currently on sale and for the full experience it’s $4.00, just to watch the Loving Vincent movie it’s only $1.00.

Coming in March on the 18th and 19th there will be a convention held called USU Eastern Fan Festival. “So it’s the USU Eastern Fan Festival we’re super excited about it. If you’ve seen Comic-Cons up north in the Summer and in the Fall, well that’s the idea we are going for. We’re going to have vendors, we’re going to have cos play, we’re going to have panelists. The one we’re really excited for is in cooperation with the USU Eastern Prehistoric Museum on March 18 they are going to be doing our kick-off event, doing a presentation, a panel, called the Real Dinosaurs Behind Jurassic Park,” said Nelson. Tickets range from $15.00 to $50.00 depending upon event participation.

To learn more about the upcoming events at the Geary Theatre visit their website at
