
This month’s Ferron City Update is with Council Member, Dale Mead who spoke with Castle Country Radio about animal control and spring burning.

“I am actually over Animal Control its one of my biggest things I have to deal with, pretty much on a daily basis, but in the article, I just mentioned a couple of ordinances we have. We have a terrible problem here and I think most cities do with dogs running through the city. We’ve had several dog attacks, since I had written this and it come out, we just had another one where a little 8-year-old girl was bit and so we’re trying to crack down on these dogs that just get turned loose and run all day long,” said Mead. It’s important that residents keep their dogs secure on their own property.

Not only is Mead a Council Member but he also plays the role as the city’s Fire Chief. “While I have you on the radio, I would just like to mention a couple of things with fire. We’ve had a few issues with people trying to burn out of the burn window. The state sets a burn window in the Spring and in the Fall, I don’t have the date with me right here on hand but it should be coming up here probably about the middle of March and runs through till the middle April. That’s when you allowed to burn your debris in the back yard without getting in trouble by the city,” stated Mead. If you have bigger piles of debris that need to be burned residents can contact the Fire Department for assistance.

“During the burn window, you do have to call the city and get a burn permit. That allows the city to get a hold of me and allow me to know where the burn is going to be. Then depending on the size of the debris, I will have you contact the Sheriff’s Office if its a bigger pile that is going to say burning overnight,” said Mead. Any residents that aren’t sure about the burning ordinances can contact City Hall for further explanation.

To keep informed on all the news and happenings taking place in Ferron City visit their Facebook page.
