
It’s time for another Price City update and Castle Country Radio was able to sit down with Mayor Michael Kourianos who spoke about the School Crossing Guards, Road Construction, Bookcliff Mural and Welcome to Price Sign.

With school back in session in the Castle Country area its important that citizens are aware of the school zones in town. “Chief Sicilia and Officer Wilcox, and myself we sit down with the crossing guards every year, at the beginning of the school year. We talk about different things that are happening for their jobs and then they ask can we get new cones, and I’m like what? They said, well cars are constantly hitting them or running over them. Now we have flashing lights, we have a crossing guard with a vest on, and people are not paying attention. They are dodging cars; they’re doing different things so I just want to reach out, and tell our citizens to be aware of those crossing guards and make sure that nobody has a problem there,” stated Mayor Kourianos. There will be many students traveling to and from school now, so it’s important that drivers are aware of their surroundings.

There are a few chip and seal projects taking place around town and some areas are near the schools. “You know we also have construction and so we want to make people understand that be extra cautious with where the construction is happening. Some of it is on the school zone, the high school, you know the junior high, those roads there can be impacted. We want people, you know those new drivers are our concern, you know because it might be tricky to get around those cones or different changes to their normal pattern. Just be aware of those people out there,” explained Mayor Kourianos. Once the sealant is put down, those projects will be completed, so be patient when traveling through those construction zones.

The Bookcliff mural is in progress and is set to be completed by next month. “You know we want the community to come out on September 17 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, we’re going to unveil the mural. We have some people coming from the state to speak with us and I’m going to be presenting a couple of people with a key to the city. But we are also going to offer 400 meals, we’re giving free 400 meals for those first 400 people, so show up, come down, and be a part of the unveiling,” said Mayor Kourianos. There will be a giant slide, kid games and live entertainment planned for this extravaganza.

Citizens may be familiar with the welcome sign located south of town near AJohnson Heating. The city is thinking of relocating the sign but would like input from citizens as Mayor Kourianos explains, “So we have the Price City sign, Welcome To Price on SR-10, that’s over by Johnson Heating. I reach out to Rocky Mountain Power to ask them if they would help us relocate that sign from SR-10. We want to put it over by the exit, the hospital exit 243 coming in, someplace from that exit all the way on 100 North. Where do the citizens want it? Where do they want to let people know about Welcome To Price, because it’s their community, it’s not ours, it’s theirs.” Citizens are urge to submit their ideas to City Hall or to the Mayor about where they would like to see the sign moved.

To stay posted on the latest news taking place at Price City visit their website at https://www.pricecityutah.com/
