
The Helper Dark Sky Observers would like to invite the community out to enjoy International Observe the Moon Night on Saturday, October 1 from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm in the parking lot of Mountain View Cemetery in Helper. Event Organizers, Mark Bunnell and Mark Wickman both stopped by Castle Country Radio to discuss all the details of this event.

“This is indeed a family event. We will have a number of activities for the kids. Of course, they’ll be able to look through telescopes and binoculars at the moon. We’ll have little craft activities where they can make their own little mini moon and we’ll have poster size papers where they can kind of map the moon based on what they see and the telescopes. We’ll have a few prizes and things for kids to do to keep them busy and keep them interested,” said Bunnell. This is a great opportunity to introduce children to the wonders of the universe

There will be a chance to see the planet Saturn through the many telescopes that will be on hand. “We’re going to have telescope to be able to see Saturn. So that is always a great thing, especially for first time people see Saturn. Its you know fantastic,” said Wickman. If participants have their own binoculars and telescopes, they are invited to bring them to the event.

If you would like to learn more about the Helper Dark Sky Observers you can visit their Facebook page.  “We have a Helper Dark Sky Observers webpage; you can search for that and it’s easy to find. It will also be posted on Castle Valley Star Gazers Facebook group and just join the group, it’s a fun group. We have about 600 members right now and so that information will be there as well,” stated Bunnell. There will be fun activities for the whole family and learn something about our nearest celestial neighbor at the same time.

