
The USU Eastern is busy plugging along with the academic school year and in September had a visit from the President of University of Utah, who had a member of their group make a substantial donation to USU Eastern. Director of Student Services, Kevin Hurst took time to stop by Castle Country Radio to discuss the details of the donation and about the upcoming Technical Education Day.

Part of the visiting team in September was Kem C Gardner who is a big donor towards education. He took to the campus and all that it has to offer and chose to make a substantial donation to USU Eastern. “He committed $100,000.00 to USU Eastern that will be applied towards scholarships and we’re working with him on donor intent, so we can get those dollars in student’s hands. We’re very excited and very, very, grateful and thankative to Kem Gardner for his donation,” stated Hurst. This will be a life changer and educational incentive for several eligible students.

Prospective students are urged to mark their calendars for the upcoming Technical Education Day scheduled to take place at the USU Eastern campus on Friday, Oct. 28. “We’re excited to have Technical Education Day because Tech Ed is an important part of our campus. We have a lot of great certificates and we want to highlight that and on the 28th we’re going to have the opportunity to do so. That can go anywhere from nursing, to aviation, to diesel mechanic, automotive. There’s a lot of great certificates that also give students a lot of great earning power and they can complete some of these in as short as a semester to a year and a half, couple years. So we’re going to open up our campus to anybody who’s interested and we would love to highlight and showcase our technical education programs,” stated Hurst. Technical education helps students with employability skills.

Another important date to remember is for high school seniors, as there will be a Senior Preview Day scheduled for Nov. 3. “We’re hoping to get on their radars so that’s the idea behind our Senior Preview Day. Its is dedicated to our high school seniors, really here locally or across the state, we want to showcase campus, we want to help them understand the programing and options available at USU Eastern. Both with scholarships, with academics, with campus life, and how much fun our campus is for students,” explained Hurst. This is chance for high school seniors to live a day in the life of a college student.

To learn more about USU Eastern visit their website at
