
The USU Extension Emery County office has a calendar full of activities for the month of October. Extension Assistant Professor, Rowe Zwahlen stopped by Castle Country Radio to discuss all the details of the events.

First up will be a course that is part of the Castle Country Gardens and Landscapes for Beginners, entitled All About Bulbs. “Finishing up the year we’ve got Oct. 12 we’re going to be talking about bulbs. That’s something you need to think about for your garden in the fall and maybe there are a few things that you can plant in the spring, we’ll let you know the differences – flowers, vegetables, things like that. Then Nov. 9, we’re going to be talking about planning ahead. Those things that you can really think about and get ready for your vegetable garden next spring, there’s some things that you might want to do this fall,” explained Zwahlen. The courses will be held at the Reeves Building, Room 122 on the campus of USU Eastern. The cost to attend the classes is $5.00 per person.

Next in Emery County there will be a Soap Making Class held on Oct. 13 at 2:00 pm at the Box Room at 75 East Main Street in Castle Dale. “Chris is going to be teaching this, How to Make Soap, she’s be doing it for years and she is really quite an expert and it will be a great class,” stated Zwahlen. If interested in attending please call the USU Extension Office Emery County at (435) 381-3535.

On Oct. 20 and Oct. 21 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm there will be a workshop on making your own Fidget Quilt. “This is one of Chris’s projects but she’s doing Fidget Quilts. So they will be small quilts but have a lot of things like textures, and do-dads sewn on to the quilt that you can touch and fidget with. It’s suppose to be really helpful for elderly people, kids with ADHD, to help calm them down,” said Zwahlen. This will be held at the Swell Conference Room at 75 East Main Street in Castle Dale, the cost is $25.00 and this includes your supplies. Attendees will be responsible in bringing their own sewing machine. There are limited kits available so you need to sign-up asap by calling the Extension Office Emery County at (435) 381-3535.

Then on Oct. 25 at 3:30 pm till 5:30 pm there will be a Pumpkin Decorating Contest. “Bring your pumpkin decorated. We’ve done this the last few years and I’ve been really impressed with some of the great stuff people have brought. So they’ve taken some time to decorate. If you’ll drop them off at 3:30 pm this will be at the park behind the county building in Castle Dale. We’ll be inside if there is bad weather. But drop them off at 3:30 pm, we’ll have judges, and then you can stay with the kids, the whole family, we’ve got prizes, games, food – its should be a good time,” stated Zwahlen.

For more information about the October events and activities please call the Extension Office in Emery County at (435) 381-3535.
