
Region 12 is a tough place to compete in when it comes to volleyball. Six of the top 10 teams in 3A call the region home, which makes the end of the season dicey, to say the least. Last night the Lady Dinos welcomed the No. 5 Manti Templars to Price. All four sets were close but at the end, Manti claimed a 3-1 win over Carbon.

The battle started in the first set with both teams looking for the win, and Manti would come out on top 29-27. The Templars must have left it all on the court in set one because the Dinos came out in the second grabbing the 25-13 victory to tie the match up at 1-1.

In set three Manti jumped on the Dinos and took them down to the wire, earning the 25-19 victory.  Set four was another fight, as the Templars had trouble putting the Dinos away but eventually took the 25-22 win claiming the match 3-1.

Carbon sits at 18-5 overall and 9-3 in Region 12 play, and there is no rest as they will face Emery on Thursday.

Emery sits at 23-4 overall and 9-3 in league play, and with the Carbon loss, they reclaim the No. 1 spot in the RPI.

The Lady Spartans will be celebrating their seniors on Thursday for their final regular season home game.

Game time is set for 6:30 p.m. at the Spartan Center in Castle Dale.
