
After a year and a half of construction and renovations taking place at the Desert Wave Pool the indoor swimming pool facility is now open. Aquatics Director, Tamara Gray was eager to share all the details with Castle Country Radio listeners.

The new renovations to the facility would not be possible without the help from both Price City and Carbon School District. “We came together and with their help, with the city and the school district working together we were able to complete this,” said Gray. Not only will the new construction better help to serve the needs of the high school swim team, but it will serve the needs of the community too.

There has been renovations completed in all areas of the indoor pool as Gray explains, “We have all new mechanical equipment. The pool itself, has been completely renovated, we have a new gutter system, the deck – we redid the deck with tile, we repainted, refinished the balcony area, and re-stained the ceiling – it’s a beautiful ceiling, if you haven’t been in there, you need to go see it, it’s kind of a one of kind here in Utah.” Swimmers are enjoying the new amenities and feel that it’s a fast-swimming facility.

The services that are offered in the indoor pool will continue again with some changes here and there to accommodate the high school swim team.  “We’ll still do our water aerobics – Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings in the indoor pool. Lap swim times will go back, our open swim times, we will have it open on Saturdays. During the week we do have the high school that practices in there until the middle of February. Then age group and swim lessons, but we will have it open for open swim. We are installing the diving board as we speak,” said Gray. The Desert Wave Pool will offer another session of swim lessons beginning Feb. 5.

To keep informed on all the fun activities taking place at the Desert Wave Pool visit their Facebook page.

