
The USU Extension Office – Emery County are excited to be hosting their annual Crop School on Feb. 14 and a Fundamentals of Gardening course on Feb. 21. Castle Country Radio was able to sit down with Extension Assistant Professor, Rowe Zwahlen to get all the details.

The Crop School will take place on Feb. 14 at the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center on the campus of USU Eastern at 5:30 pm. There will be a free dinner, speakers and presentations. Zwahlen talks about who will benefit from the school, “This is for people who have a little bit more acreage is who is kind of geared towards. We’ll be talking a little bit about alfalfa, controlling weeds, soil fertilities. So a little bit larger scale farming operations but even if you have a couple of acres and you’re growing alfalfa, you’re welcome to come. If you’re not growing anything, you’re still welcome to come and learn.” This is a free event and because dinner will be served, officials ask that you RSVP for the Crop School by calling either USU Extension Office in Carbon at (435) 636-3233 or Emery at (435) 381-3535.

There will be a Fundamentals of Vegetable Gardening on Feb. 21 at 5:30 pm. This is open to all levels of gardeners. “This will be at the Castle Dale Library on Feb. 21, 5:30 pm till about 6:30 pm probably. So if you love gardening, if you haven’t done it before and want to get started, we’re going to be talking about some basics of how to make your vegetable garden successful,” said Zwahlen. If you want further information about this class, please call the USU Extension Office in Emery at (435) 381-3535.

To stay informed on upcoming events offered through the USU Extension Office please visit their Facebook pages.

