
Paying for university isn’t the easiest thing to do. 

In the case of Leonor Ribeiro, Carbon County’s “Book Girl,” she travels the extra mile, literally. Ribeiro helps pay for her schooling expenses by traveling door to door and selling educational books with the hopes of not only advancing her education but also aiding in the educational pursuits of the children of the Castle Country area.

“I’ve had so many opportunities in my life, thanks to my mom’s education. My mom invested when I was younger, and when I got to know about this internship, I felt like it was my turn to help families with their education. So I decided to do this program, especially because of that” Ribeiro explained.

The Internship Ribeiro works under is offered by Southwestern Advantage, an educational materials sales company based out of Nashville, Tennessee. The company mainly runs its sales department through its internship program or through the hiring of independent contractors to perform their door-to-door sales.

Ribeiro explained more about herself, talking about how she grew up in a small fishing village in Portugal called Sesimbra, before moving to Coventry University in Coventry, England to pursue higher education.

“ My favorite part of this internship, I think, is meeting all types of different families and getting the chance to speak with these families. I think it improves me as a person. I get to know so many different points of view.” Ribeiro stated, talking about what she most enjoys about her internship.

If you are interested in getting in contact with Ribeiro to purchase educational material, she shared jokingly,” You can probably find me in the streets of Price.” She went on to explain that she can be contacted through her Facebook page.

“ I just want to thank everyone for being so welcoming.” Said Ribeiro, closing out our interview,” You’ll probably see me around if you do give me a big wave … I hope to leave everyone in a good mood.” 

*Photo Courtesy of Leonor Ribeiro
