Todd is joined on the show this week by Psychic Medium Travis Hill.

Hill is becoming known around the world as a Spiritual Medium who is a “clear channel”. Using his abilities to communicate with spirit energies and physical/human energies, Travis can really provide guidance and closure, transforming your life for the better.

Episode 25- Local Author Tom McCourt

Todd is joined this week by Tom McCourt, local author of the book “The Split Sky: A Journey of Discovery in Utah’s Nine Mile Canyon”....

Episode 60- Possession

Todd is joined by Ron Johnson, a local paranormal investigator, who recently investigating a possible possession and tells his story of the event....

Episode 120- Creatures at Christmas: Year III

Todd is joined on the show by a group of elementary students, who share their vision on what it is like for bigfoot, ghosts, and other creatures during the holiday season. This holiday special has become a...