Todd is joined by author and near death expert PMH Atwater. Atwater is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies, having begun her work in 1978 (shortly after moving to Virginia), and is a pioneer in subjects like near-death experiences, the after effects of spiritual experiences, transformations of consciousness, reality shifts, future memory, and modern generations of children and how they differ from previous generations

Episode 60- Possession

Todd is joined by Ron Johnson, a local paranormal investigator, who recently investigating a possible possession and tells his story of the event....

Episode 74- Todd’s Daughter

Todd’s daughter Kristina is this week’s special guest, giving insight to what it was like growing up in a home with a father who has an interest in paranormal activity, big foot, UFOs and more....

Episode 55- Crop Circles Part 2

Todd is joined on the show by Jeff Wilson of the Independent Crop Circle Researchers Association. This is the second of two episodes discussing the topic....