The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) will hold public open house meetings in Cedar City, Vernal, and Tooele Utah to explain proposed changes to its plan to conserve greater sage-grouse habitat. The meetings are part of a 90-day public comment period on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) containing proposed amendments to Forest Service land management plans for greater sage-grouse in Utah and four other western states.  Proposed changes seek to improve the clarity, efficiency, and implementation of the current greater sage-grouse plans, including promoting alignment with state efforts.

The meeting in Cedar City is scheduled for December 11 at Festival Hall, 105 N. 100 E.  The meeting in Vernal is scheduled for December 12 at Utah State University-Uintah Basin, 320 N. Aggie Blvd (2000 W). The meeting in Tooele is scheduled for December 13 at the Utah State University Extension, 151 N. Main Street. All meetings will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Each meeting will feature several stations with information on key issues, the planning process, and the public commenting process. Forest Service staff will give a short introduction at 5:30 p.m. Attendees can learn about the amendment comment process, ask questions, and provide comments on the actions being considered.

The Forest Service published the Notice of Availability for the DEIS on October 5, 2018, and the public comment period ends January 3, 2019. To read and comment on the DEIS, please visit the Forest Service Intermountain Region Webpage:

For more information, please contact: John Shivik, National Sage-Grouse Coordinator, at (801) 625-5567 or Ron Rodriguez, Interagency Sage Grouse Coordinator for Utah, (435) 865-3732.
