
The Prehistoric Museum is participating in the #Museum30 challenge this year and you can see all the details on their Facebook page. Castle Country Radio was able to sit down with Museum Director, Tim Riley to talk about the challenge.

“It’s the fourth year of this program, started by a person who studies animals, a zoologist and he has a museum blog related to zoology and so he’s been doing it for about four years. It’s our first year participating in it and as you said it’s 30 prompts throughout the month that will highlight different accepts of the museum,” stated Riley. This is all taking place on the Prehistoric Museum’s Facebook page. The first day was just taking time to reintroduce themselves, the next day was the word location, then on Tuesday was scribbles, followed by button on Wednesday. This is a great way for the museum to reach out to the public via their social media page.

Riley also touched base on folks donating their time by volunteering at the museum. “We’ve always had community volunteers and student volunteers; we’ve sort weaned on that in the last hand full of years but we’re really making an effort to bring that backup. The museum has a lot of things going on, always and there’s a lot of different things. So whatever your interests are you can probably find some way to volunteer at the museum that you would find rewarding for yourself, as well as beneficial to the museum,” said Riley. Individuals that are interested in volunteering can contact the museum at (435) 637-5060.

The museum is open Monday through Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Admission to the museum is $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for kids or a family rate of $17.00. “Actually, the best way to get into the museum is to sign up as a museum member. It’s at $40.00 a year for a family membership and that gives you unlimited access to the museum. You can come in as many times as you want, it also gives you a 10 percent discount in the gift shop, as well as access to things like our members-only field trips and so that’s really the best to, if you really want to visit the museum a lot,” stated Riley. Individuals can find more details on admission prices and membership information on the Prehistoric Museum website at
