
Students at Wellington Elementary are busily settling in for the Christmas break and the school is being featured on this week’s Carbon School District weekly update. Castle Country Radio was able to sit down with Principal Paulie Vogrinec to talk about the school’s service projects.

“We have some employees in our building that work second jobs and they work at one of the local nursing homes. So they have done a lot of great things for the residents there. During October the students designed full-size door decorations and so the residents had their door decorated for the month of October,” said Principal Vogrinec. The project was designed and created by the fourth and fifth graders which was a great opportunity for them to brighten the lives of the residents.

Another service project that the students worked on was recognizing those individuals that work in the medical field. “So our students made cards for the doctors and nurses in the community and we delivered those to the nursing homes, and the hospital, and some of the home health agencies. So it was kind of nice to see the kids thanked on Facebook holding the cards and to know that was appreciated. So we are trying to work in some community outreach, community service type projects for the kids to give back to the community,” stated Principal Vogrinec. This teaches students the importance of being involved with their community and to learn about civic responsibility.

Now that the students are back from the Christmas break its business as usual. “We’re back to trying to just keep everything back as normal as we can. Still masks. The kids have been great about wearing their masks, doing the sanitizing procedures that we have put in place. It’s always a time of year to, we practice, and remember, and remind all of our school wide procedures. Recognizing how the students who did progress on their mid-year testing – so at our school we give gumballs for every level a student goes up in their reading,” said Principal Vogrinec.  The students love the idea of getting a sweet treat for all their hard work as they pass off reading levels throughout the year.

To keep informed on what is taking place at Wellington Elementary visit their Facebook page.
