
Southeastern Utah Health Department would like to remind parents about back-to-school vaccines that are needed for kindergarten and seventh grade students. District School Nurse, Heidi Yoklavich took time to come into Castle Country Radio to share the details on immunizations.

“So there are two big times during school when kids need immunizations is going into kindergarten, and then our kids that are going into seventh grade needs some additional shots,” said Yoklavich. It is very important that parents bring their student’s immunization records with them to registration so that the school nurse can review them. There have been some letters sent home to parents whose students are in need of shots. It’s important for parents to bring that letter with them when they get their student’s shots.

Seventh grade students are looking at getting additional shots if they are not current. “So they get a tetanus booster, and then they do receive their meningitis vaccine which is a new one. We also have to look at their varicella’s status because some of those kids only have one chicken pox because that was what was required when they were younger, its now required that they have two, so we check that,” said Yoklavich. The nurse also reviews their records to make sure shots have been given in correct intervals.

The Southeastern Utah Health Department in Price offers walk-in clinics for individuals who need to bring their child in for shots. They are open Monday through Thursday from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. “We have an office over in Castle Dale also and their walk-in clinic hours are Mondays 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm and they’re on Main Street in Castle Dale if you’re over in Emery County and need to get your student shots,” said Yoklavich. The address to the Castle Dale location is 25 West Main Street.

If any parents have questions about immunization, they are urged to contact the Southeastern Utah Health Department. “Call down to our health department here in Price for me it’s (435) 637-3671. Over in Emery County in Castle Dale it’s (435) 381-2252,” said Yoklavich.
