
Helper’s Mining & Railroad Museum is gearing up to be a part of this year’s Helper Arts, Music & Film Festival celebration. Castle Country Radio was able to speak over the telephone with Museum Director, Jason Huntzinger to discuss all the details.

“We’re doing something a little different this year, we’re going to actually be out with the other art vendors with a tent and a booth out on the street. I’m busy printing and putting together a lot of our photos, making some great archival reproductions of our prints. So those definitely are art and they are going to be available and its going to kind of be a fundraiser for the museum,” said Huntzinger. These prints will be available to purchase at the museum’s vendor booth and will be a great opportunity to purchase some local art history.

Inside the museum, the Rail Fan Exhibit is taking place and there is a chance for guests to stop by, place their vote on their favorite part of the exhibit. “So we got a box full of ballots and we got a lot of votes. It really is a great exhibition I think there is about 40 pieces from about 20 photographers. So you can come in and vote for first, second and third place for your favorites. Then we will announce the winner from the festival stage this Saturday at 4:45 pm,” explained Huntzinger. Voting will end on Saturday at noon. The exhibit will continue to be on display for the public to enjoy until October.

The museum is suggesting that your wear a mask when visiting the museum but it is not required. Huntzinger explains the admission costs, “It’s a suggested amount its $8.00 per person or $20.00 per family. So we will be doing our yearly memberships you can do that in the museum or down at our tent it’s $20.00 per person, $35.00 a couple, or $50.00 per family to get a pass to come in anytime for a whole year.” This is a great time to take advantage of the yearly memberships that are being offered.

This will be the last interview Huntzinger will do on the Helper’s Mining & Railroad Museum as he will be leaving the museum.  “If you are interested, if there is someone out there that is interested in applying, please do. You can go just down to City Hall starting tomorrow and there also is gong to be an assistant position open so there will be the director and assistant. The easiest way is probably, just go directly to City Hall in Helper,” stated Huntzinger.

If you have any questions about the museum, please contact them (435) 472-3009.
