
Its time for students to some back to campus this week and USU Eastern is hosting a Blue Blast Block Party on Thursday, August 25 at 4:00 pm till 7:00 pm. This event is open to all members of the community to help welcome students to the area for the 2022-2023 school year.

“This is an opportunity for our students to get to know the community. I think one of the biggest things that we have here in Price is we’re still a community college, we are a community and that the college is an essential part of that. We want our students to get to know the businesses. We want the people to get to know our students. We want them to have that, what does Price have to offer. So this is an opportunity for them and you all, to come and mix, mingle, play some games,” said Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator, Cameron West. On this evening the first 100 individuals will receive Desert Wave Pool Passes to go swimming.

If there are any businesses or organizations that feel that they have something to offer students they are invited to come set up a booth during the Blue Blast Block Party. “We want our community to be involved. I think the biggest push for this is to let people know that this isn’t just for our students, this is for everyone. We want you to come hangout, we’re going to have everything out there and for our community partners we want you to know that our students, we want them in your businesses. If you are needing people to hire, come out, bring some applications, meet up with our students,” said West. This is a wonderful opportunity for businesses to introduce themselves to the students of USU Eastern.

The Blue Blast Block Party will take place on the road in front of the Desert Wave Pool. “So it will be closed off, so you can still come park in the wave pool parking lot, that will still be open. You know you can park in the dorms, right there. It will be blocked off just like it is for International Days. We’ll have food trucks, we’re going to have bounce houses, we’re going to have games, and yard games set up, so that’s going to be blocked off. We’ll have tables available for setting up booths, bring your canopy if you have one, if you’re a business if you want to come set up,” said West. Any businesses or organizations that would like to be a part of this big event can contact USU Eastern at (435) 613-5468 to make arrangements.

To learn more about USU Eastern visit their website at
