
The local Carbon Masonic Temple Association is excited to be hosting their 100-Year Cornerstone Re-Dedication Ceremony on Saturday, Dec. 9 at 9:00 am at the temple located at 39 North 100 East in Price. Castle Country Radio was able to sit down with Temple Members, Ben Martinez to get all the details.

For those that don’t know what Carbon Masonic Temple Association does they are a charitable organization. “We do a lot of charity work as an organization, its one of the oldest fraternal organizations in the world, not just around here. We do a lot of charity work, a lot of donations to local causes, probably most recently there’s been some kicked towards the Shop With A Cop Program locally. A lot of things that we’re working on getting back in to as far as donating to local causes around the community,” stated Martinez. The group has now become sustainable that they are now able to help out various organizations within the community.

The Re-Dedication Ceremony is open to everyone in the community, especially those that have always wanted to visit the Carbon Masonic Temple. “So the Re-Dedication is going to go to Saturday, Dec. 9 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. From 9:00 am about 10:30 am, is kind of going to be an Open House. There’s going to be a bunch of us around there – you know if you have every had questions about masonry, you want to know what it is even, what its about, come on down and we’ll answer any questions that you might have,” stated Martinez.

The schedule for the day is as follows:

Open House                        9:00 am to 11:00 am
Ribbon Cutting                   10:30 am
Dedication Ceremony       11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Fundraiser Lunch              12:00 pm (Tickets are $25.00/catered by Angel’s)

This is a great opportunity for community members to get to learn more about the Carbon Masonic Temple Association. “All in all, it’s going to be a huge community event. I hope we get a lot out there, because again, this is such a big part of Price’s history and maybe it will bring a little more awareness too. Also, you’ll be able to see probably the newest thing that we’ve done, is the memorial brick layout. Those have been on sale for quite a while and we’ve started getting those laid. Its really cool, there’s a display right out in front of the temple, where you can see those that people have purchased, those are there too if that is something that interests you,” stated Martinez.

