The American Legion will be hosting Memorial Day Services in all the local cemeteries on Monday, May 27 beginning at 8:00 am. Commander, Les Schulz took time to stop by Castle Country Radio to discuss all the details.
Right now, coordinators are looking for volunteers to helps put out flags on all the veteran’s graves in Carbon County. “The cemeteries will be marked with flags on all the veteran’s graves and that is the big job that we have in front of us. We’re going to be tackling it May 22, 23 and 24 to get all the cemeteries done. But we’re looking for volunteers, we are at Post #3 we’re a bunch of old veterans and man that’s a lot of walking to do for us, so we need help,” said Commander Schulz. If you would like to help decorate the graves you are encouraged to arrive at 9:00 am at either Helper and Price Cemeteries. If you do plan to assist in putting up flags you are urged to bring a screwdriver and hammer to help poke holes in ground to stand the flags. Organizers will show guests what to look for on the headstones to know whether or not it’s a veteran’s grave. Last year the organization put out over 3,000 flags on graves in the Castle Country area.
“On Monday, Memorial Day, we will start our ceremonies and the first ceremony is going to be at the Helper Cemetery and it’ll be at 8:00 am. Then at 9:00 am we will be in the old Price Cemetery we’ll be meeting right there where the flag is posted, in the middle of the cemetery, you can’t miss us. Then at 9:30 am we’ll be at Cliffview, 10:30 am we’ll be at Wellington Cemetery, 11:30 am we’ll be in East Carbon. Then at 1:00 pm there is going to be a ceremony in Green River,” stated Commander Schulz. Everyone is encouraged to attend one of the ceremonies in recognition of the freedoms fought for and protected by our service members and veterans.
The American Legion would also like to remind folks to mark their calendars for their Flag Day Ceremony, where they properly dispose of old flags, this will take place on June 14 behind the Price City Fire Department. “At noon, it’s going to be in the parking area behind the museum and the fire department. There is a ceremony, we will do to retire the first flag and then we’ll ask the scouts to help us retire flags and if anybody in the community that wants to come out and observe, if they’re willing to help, we’ll take their help too to help retire the flags,” said Commander Schulz.
Any questions about volunteering for flag installation or about Flag Day Ceremony please call American Legion Post #3 at (435) 630-8474.